A special issue of the journal FULGOR, “Indelible / Indelebile: Representation in the Arts of (In)Visible Violence Against Women and their Resistance”, edited by Luciana d’Arcangeli and Claire Kennedy, is the latest outcome of the eponymous project by the ACIS Visual and Performance Studies research group (2018-2021)
“Transcending Appearances” by Lucienne Fontannaz:
“Through the mirror, within her and beyond visual appearances, the woman sees new depths of knowledge”.
latest issue of the online free-access journal FULGOR (Flinders University Languages Group Online Review) is dedicated to a series of articles discussing aspects of the representation in the Arts of visible and invisible violence against women and their resistance. Edited by
Luciana d'Arcangeli and
Claire Kennedy, the articles have been grouped under a series of categories: Literary works and analysis; Creative practice; Television Series; and Italian Cinema. The various articles and their direct links are here below:
Introduction: Indelible / Indelebile (Luciana d’Arcangeli and Claire Kennedy)
Literary works and analysis of literary works:
Creative practice:
TV series:
Italian cinema: