... a highlight in the calendar of Italianists throughout Australasia. Held since 2001, when ACIS was formally launched as an association, the conferences are a rare moment to gather together and hear about each other’s research which, though in a wide range of discipline areas, has a love of Italy and its complex cultures as a common thread. The official conference languages are Italian as well as English.
Submissions and attendance by postgraduate students are especially welcome at our conferences. A contribution towards the costs of travel/accommodation is made available to students whose papers are accepted.
Details of the forthcoming conference (3–6 July 2024), as well as previous conferences, their locations, and programmes (where available), are provided in the links below.
Due to COVID-19, our 11th Biennial Conference was deferred to December 2022.
The last ACIS Biennial Conference was held at the Australian National University, Canberra, Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, 3–6 July 2024.
Italian Studies for Global Challenges: Transdisciplinary Conversations
Convenor: Francesco Ricatti
Advisory committee: Theodore Ell, Tom Geue, Katrina Lolicato, Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli AM.
Please visit the dedicated 2024 ACIS conference website for details.
2022: 12-14 December
University of Western Australia
Frontiers, Encounters, and Futures
Please follow this link to a gallery of informal photos taken throughout the conference.
2019: 7-10 February
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Navigazioni possibili: Italies Lost and Found
Please follow this link to the gallery of official photos taken at the pÅwhiri, the traditional Maori welcome, held at the The Herenga Waka Marae on Thursday 7 February.
Photos credit: Colin McDiarmid, Victoria University of Wellington
2017: 4-7 July
Monash Centre, Prato, Italy
Scontri e Incontri: The Dynamics of Italian Transcultural Exchanges
2015: 1-4 July
The University of Sydney, Australia
Fertile Spaces, Dynamic Places: Mapping the Cultures of Italy
2013: 4-6 December
Flinders University/ University of South Australia, Adelaide
2011: 13- 16 July
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Italian Studies: New Directions
2009: 18-21 February
The University of Auckland, New Zealand
L’Italia nella Grande Migrazione
2007: 10-13 July
Griffith University, Queensland, Australia
2005: 30 June-2 July
Cassamarca Foundation, Treviso, Italy
L’Italia Globale: le altre italie e l’Italia altrove
2003: 3-5 July
University of Western Australia
2001: 21-23 September
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
From time to time ACIS sponsors other conferences or workshops held by its members. Details of these will appear below.
2016: 24-25 November
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
An Eye on Italy: Continuities and transformations in Italian visual culture
Flinders University, Griffith University, Victoria University of Wellington and the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies held an international conference, An Eye on Italy: Continuities and transformations in Italian visual culture, on 24-25 November 2016 at Flinders in the City, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide, South Australia. Convened by Luciana d’Arcangeli (Flinders), Claire Kennedy (Griffith) and Sally Hill (VUW), the conference explored recent developments in Italian visual culture with the aim of bringing together expertise in the areas of photography, the fine arts, film and media studies, fashion and design in order to encourage novel exchanges and collaborations. Among the keynote speakers was Giancarlo De Cataldo. Papers were presented from a variety of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives, including the teaching of visual arts and the use of visual cultural products in teaching Italian language and culture.
A selection of papers from the conference were published in the online journal FULGOR vol 5, no. 3, June 2018.