
ACIS awards a variety of prizes and scholarships each year … 

... including short-term postgraduate scholarships for fieldwork in Italy, publication subventions, prizes for publications by both established and early career researchers, and a prize for significant contribution to Italian Studies in Australasia. 

Our longest-standing award has been the ACIS Postgraduate Fieldwork Scholarships (before 2024 called the ACIS Posgraduate Scholarships scheme). Offered annually since 2001, these prestigious scholarships support postgraduate researchers in travelling to Italy to conduct primary research for their theses. The ACIS Publishing Grants Scheme, inaugurated in 2020, helps researchers to meet expenses associated with publishing accepted research outcomes. The Jo-Anne Duggan Prize was established to commemorate the life and outstanding artistic oeuvre of Jo-Anne Duggan (1962–2011), who was a much-loved friend to ACIS. In its latest iteration this prize celebrates publication achievements by postgraduate or early career researchers. The ACIS Publication Prize, inaugurated in 2021, celebrates publication achievements by established scholars. And the David Moss Prize for Italian Studies, newly established in 2021, honours the first Chair of ACIS, through an award for exceptional contributions by Australasian Italianists.

  • ACIS Postgraduate Fieldwork Scholarships

    To promote and support the activities of research and teaching in the area of Italian Studies in Australasian tertiary institutions, ACIS offers up to three postgraduate fieldwork scholarships each year. Worth $6000 each, these scholarships provide postgraduate students at an Australian or New Zealand university with the opportunity to work on their research project in Italy. For one of the awards, the Dino De Poli Scholarship, preference may be given to applications for research on any aspect of the culture, history, and society of north-east Italy.


    Since 2001, a total of 57 students, drawn from twelve universities, have been awarded ACIS Postgraduate Fieldwork Scholarships. The range and historical span of projects supported by this scheme is striking. Music, film, history (Renaissance, modern, contemporary), literature (novels, poetry), sociology, anthropology,  intercultural education, politics, art, religion, material culture, the economy – all figure among the successful applicants’ fields of study. Given the relatively small size of the Italianist scholarly community in Australasia, this a notably diverse set of interests and disciplines brought to bear on aspects of Italy, from the mediaeval to contemporary periods. Several scholarship holders have gone on to publish their findings and embark on research and academic careers in Italian Studies; others have pursued other areas, using skills and knowledge developed by working on Italian projects. These projects are listed below.


    1. The scholarships are available to students who are currently enrolled, full-time or part-time, in a Masters by research or PhD degree at a university in Australia or New Zealand, and who are engaged in research projects in any of the following areas of Italian Studies: archaeology and classical antiquities, language, literature, culture, history, politics and society, cinema studies, and migration studies.
    2. Applicants must be citizens or residents of Australia or New Zealand.
    3. Applicants must have knowledge of Italian adequate for their research purposes. Please note that Scholarships will not be awarded for attending Italian language courses in Italy.
    4. An ACIS Postgraduate Fieldwork Scholarship may not be held concurrently with an Italian Government Scholarship.
    5. Continuing and fixed-term tertiary academic staff are not eligible to apply.

    The committee strongly encourages applicants to seek their supervisor’s advice and feedback in preparing the application. 

    How to apply

    Applications are submitted online via this form (or, to copy and paste, the web address is as follows:

    Requirements for successful applicants

    1. The award must be taken up before 1 November 2025.  
    2. Awardees will be expected to spend at least two months in Italy on research.
    3. Prior to departure for Italy, to release the scholarship funds, awardees are required to submit: a) proof of Australian or New Zealand citizenship or residence; b) proof of enrolment at an Australian or New Zealand university in 2025; c) a detailed indication of planned expenditure.
    4. Within a month of return from Italy, awardees must submit a report to the ACIS Management Committee on the activities undertaken and the use of funds.

    Referee reports 

    As indicated in the online form, applicants must arrange for two confidential reports from academic staff members familiar with their work to be sent by email directly to the following address:

    Applications for the 2025  round  will  open in early April 2025 and close in early May 2025

    ACIS Postgraduate Fieldwork Scholarship Awardees 2024

    Tayla Newland (MA, University of Melbourne)

    Understanding of identity and interaction through a social network analysis of grave goods from the southern peninsula (700-300 BC)

    This project focuses on pre-Roman Italic populations in Southern Italy. These communities have been traditionally studied purely from a Graeco-centric perspective, and scholars have long ignored the unique and distinctly local cultural features among these communities. The project's aim is to reframe the discussion with the agency of these local Italic communities in mind. 

    Karissa Stephanie Bowles (PhD, University of Western Australia)

    Linguistic Contact and Loanword Phenomena from English to Italian during the Renaissance (1300-1500)

    This project investigates linguistic variation in one of the earliest periods of the linguistic history of Italy. Specifically, my project explores how the processes of standardisation impacted the adoption of loanwords. The first aim is to identify what the loan words are and where they are in the corpora. My corpora will consist of primary sources housed in the voluminous Datini Archive, Archivio di Stato di Prato.

    Previous ACIS Postgraduate Fieldwork Scholarship Awardees

  • ACIS Publishing Grants Scheme

    ACIS inaugurated this scheme in 2020, to foster publications of the highest quality authored by scholars in Australia and New Zealand who are working in Italian Studies broadly defined (whether in Literature, Language, Translation Studies, Screen Studies, Migration Studies, History, Anthropology, Sociology, Art History, or Political Studies). 

    Up to five grants of up to AU$2,000 each are offered annually to assist with publication costs. 

    The grants are intended to support the current publication of monographs, edited books, and book chapters already under contract, and journal articles and journal special issues already accepted by the publisher. Funds are not available for retrospective claims for expenses associated with works already published.

    Publication support is awarded on a competitive basis and is not guaranteed.  The final amount awarded will be decided by the selection committee on the basis of the quality of the publication and its publisher, and the case mounted for the grant.   

    The next round will open on April 2 2025 and close on 2 June 2025


    To be eligible for these publication grants you must be either:

    • an academic in Australia or New Zealand working in the field of Italian Studies (institutional or independent); OR
    • a current postgraduate student in Italian Studies. at a university in Australia or New Zealand. 
    • Previous awardees are welcome to apply.

    Funding may be requested for

    • permission fees and costs associated with securing copyright materials;
    • publishers’ subventions;
    • specialised publication assistance which can include: compilation and/or annotation of bibliographies; visual materials (for instance the production of graphs or maps); image permissions; indexing of monographs or equivalent outputs.
    • contribution towards Open Access fees;
    • English-language editing costs for scholars for whom English is not their first language.

    Please note that funding is not available for translation of author’s manuscripts. 

    Selection criteria

    Applicants will be considered based on the following criteria:

    • merit of publication project;
    • track record and/or capacity of applicant (in the case of postgraduate applicants);
    • quality and ranking of the publisher or journal.

    Application process

    Eligible applicants must submit:

    • a one-page curriculum vitae;
    • confirmation from the press or journal that the work has been accepted for publication;
    • a description of 300–500 words outlining: the details of the publication (lead author, publication title, description, publisher); the timeline; the significance of the publication; the quality of the press/journal; the resources needed. 
    • a budget and brief justification (one page) with quotes attached.
    • Postgraduate applicants should also submit a statement of support from their supervisor.

    Applications are to be addressed to

    The ACIS Publishing Grants Scheme selection committee and submitted online to:  

    Successful applicants are notified by email soon thereafter.

    Publication Grant Awardees:


    Joshua Brown and Marinella Caruso (University of Western Australia), for their edited collection 'La bontà infinita ha sì gran braccia’. Essays in Honour of John J. Kinder (Franco Cesati, 2024).

    Angela Viora (Monash University), for her monograph The Ecology of the Performance Art Process – Fragmentation, Union, and Reconfiguration (Routledge, 2024). 


    Linetto Basilone (Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts, University of Auckland), for his monograph The Distance to China: Twentieth-Century Italian Travel Narratives of Patriotism, Commitment and Disillusion (1898–1985) (Peter Lang, 2022).

    Francesco Ricatti (Sapienza Associate Professor, Italian Studies, College of Arts and Science, Australian National University), for his co-edited book (together with Andonis Piperoglou) Migration Studies on Indigenous Land (Springer, IMISCOE Research Series, forthcoming).


    Jessica O'Leary  (Research Fellow, Gender and Women's History Research Centre, Australian Catholic University), for her monograph Women as Diplomatic Agents in Italy and Hungary: The Aragonese Dynastic Network, 1470-1510 (ARC Humanities Press, 2022).

    Marco Sonzogni (Reader in Translation Studies, Victoria University of Wellington) and Michelle Elvy (founding editor of  Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction), for their edited volume, Breach of All Size: Small Stories on Ulysses, Love and Venice (Wellington: The Cuba Press, 2022)


    Marco Sonzogni (Reader in Translation Studies, Victoria University of Wellington) and Tim Smith (University of Oxford), for their edited collection, More Favourable Waters: Aotearoa Poets Respond to Dante's Purgatory (Wellington: The Cuba Press, 2021).

    Natalie Tomas (Fellow, Monash University), for her translation and edited collection together with a biographical essay, Maria Salviati de’ Medici: Selected Letters 1514-1543 (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe -Toronto Series: 101) Toronto, Ontario and Tempe, Arizona: Iter Press and Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Press, 2022).

  • The Jo-Anne Duggan Prize

    The Jo-Anne Duggan Prize for the best publication by a postgraduate student 

    or an early career researcher in the field of Italian Studies

    This prize is named in honour of the late Jo-Anne Duggan (1962–2011), whose early fascination with Italian art and symbolism saw her become a champion of Italian Studies in Australasia and beyond. As a scholar and photomedia artist, she focused on Italy’s historical visual and material culture. Her work made a distinguished contribution to Italian Studies as a richly rewarding context for creative practice: research and writing, thinking and making.

    The Jo-Anne Duggan Prize is a biennial award for a publication by a postgraduate or early career researcher in Italian Studies broadly defined. It spotlights work published in the previous two years. The winner receives a prize of AU$2,000 and an official certificate. 

    Applications for the 2025  prize (for work published between January 2022 and December 2024) will open before June 2025.

    Eligibility and criteria:

    1. Applicants must be a postgraduate student at, or an early career researcher within 5 years of the conferral of their award from, an Australian or New Zealand University at the date of application. 

    2. For the 2025 Prize, the work must have been published between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2024.

    3. The publication must be sole-authored. 

    4. The publication must have made a significant contribution to knowledge in the field.

    5. The form of publication may be a monograph, a chapter in an edited book, a refereed journal article (published electronically or in hard copy), or an academically robust creative work published in a digital medium.

    6. Edited books and translations are not permitted. 

    7. Only one publication per entrant is allowed.

    * Please note that the selection committee reserves the right not to award the prize.

    How to Apply:

    Applicants must:

    1. complete the attached cover sheet;

    2. attach official evidence of their enrolment/graduation status at/from an Australian or New Zealand university;

    3. submit evidence of the official date of publication of their nominated work;

    4. submit a 500-word statement (written by themselves, or by an academic familiar with the submitted work) speaking to the nature of the publication and its contribution to knowledge in their particular field of Italian Studies;

    5. submit a copy of their nominated work either in hard-copy or in electronic attachment. Where the entry is a creative online work, a link to the website is sufficient. To submit a hard-copy book (only if there is no electronic option), please mail a copy to

    Andrea Rizzi

    c/o School of Languages and Linguistics

    University of Melbourne

    Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia

    6. Applications should be submitted electronically and addressed to:

    The Jo-Anne Duggan Prize selection committee:

    Terms and conditions, including how to apply, can be downloaded here. The application cover sheet is available here. 

    Jo-Anne Duggan (1962–2011) was a notable artist and a great friend to ACIS. Links to some of Jo-Anne Duggan's published research can be found here. Established in 2015 with the generous support of Kevin Bayley and The Colour Factory, the biennial Jo-Anne Duggan Prize originally promoted the artistic endeavour and engagement with Italy that were the heart of Jo-Anne Duggan's practice. Prizes were awarded to artistic works and exegesis and/or essays that engaged directly with her oeuvre and approach. 

    Jo-Anne Duggan Prize Winner 2023 

    Linetto Basilone (University of Auckland)

    The Distance to China: Twentieth-Century Italian Travel Narratives of Patriotism, Commitment and Disillusion (1898–1985) (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2022).

    Jo-Anne Duggan Prize Winner 2021 

    Jennifer McFarland (University of Melbourne)

    'Relics, reinvention, and reform in Renaissance Venice: Catherine of Siena’s stigmata at the Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo', Renaissance Studies, 34.2 (2020): 278-302.

    Winners of the Jo-Anne Duggan Prize 2015-2019

  • ACIS Publication Prize for Established Scholars

    The ACIS Publication Prize for the best publication in the field of Italian Studies 

    by an established Australasian scholar

    To mark the organisation's twentieth anniversary, ACIS instituted a biennial Publication Prize for an established academic in Australasia working in any field of Italian Studies. The prize is awarded biennially for peer-reviewed research published in the previous two years. The research must have made a significant contribution to knowledge in the field of Italian Studies broadly defined. 

    The winner receives an award of AU$2,000 and an official certificate. 

    Applications for the 2025 Prize will open in early July 2025

    Eligibility and criteria:

    1. Applicants must be established researchers (more than five years post-doctorate) in Italian Studies (broadly defined) and affiliated with a university in Australia or New Zealand at the time of application. 

    2. For the 2025 Prize, the work must have been published between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2024.

    3. The publication must be sole-authored.

    4. The publication must have made a significant contribution to knowledge in the field. 

    5. The form of publication may be a monograph, a chapter in an edited book, a refereed journal article (published electronically or in hard copy), or an academically robust creative work published in a digital medium.

    6. Edited books and translations are not permitted.

    7. Only one publication per entrant is allowed.

    * Please note that the selection committee reserves the right not to award the prize.

    How to apply:

    Applicants must:

    1. complete the attached cover sheet;

    2. submit evidence of the official date of publication of their nominated work;

    3. submit a 500-word statement (written by themselves, or by an academic familiar with the submitted work) speaking to the nature of the publication and its contribution to knowledge in their particular field of Italian Studies;

    4. submit a copy of their nominated work either in hard-copy or in electronic attachment. Where the entry is a creative online work, a link to the website is sufficient. To submit a hard-copy book (only if there is no electronic option), please mail a copy directly to

    Andrea Rizzi

    c/o School of Languages and Linguistics

    University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia.

    Applications are to be addressed to

    The ACIS Publishing Grants Scheme selection committee, and submitted online to:

    A document with the terms and conditions, including how to apply, can be downloaded here.

    ACIS Publication Prize Winner 2023 

    Dr Miles Pattenden (Australian Catholic University)

    ‘Papal Rome in Lockdown: Proximities, Temporalities and Emotions during the Im/mobility of the Conclave’,  I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance, 24.2 (2021): 291–309.

    ACIS Publication Prize Winner 2021 

    Professor Carolyn James (Monash University)

    A Renaissance Marriage: The Political and Personal Alliance of Isabella d'Este and Francesco Gonzaga 1490–1519 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020).

  • The David Moss Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Italian Studies

    In 2022 ACIS inaugurates a biennial prize for outstanding contribution to Italian Studies in Australasia. Named in grateful recognition of David Moss’s long-term commitment to ACIS and its values, this prize seeks to honour individuals who likewise have made distinguished contributions to the promotion of Italian Studies within the broader community in Australia and New Zealand. 


    David Moss was the founding Chair of the Management Committee of ACIS in 2000, the co-convenor of the first ACIS biennial conference held in Canberra, and a tireless, enthusiastic, and innovative champion of the cause of Italian Studies in Australasia.

    ACIS is building a page in memory of David Moss, with tributes and fond memories of David's wit and dedication to Italian Studies from colleagues and friends. If you would like to share your tribute or memories, please write to the Chair of ACIS:

    The prize is worth $2,000 and will be announced at the ACIS Biennial Conferences. 

    David Moss Prize Winner 2024

    Dr Gino Moliterno (ANU)

    David Moss Prize Winner 2022

    Emeritus Professor Nerida Newbigin

  • Storie Ricercate: Shared Stories from Italian Studies

    Thanks to the help and support of ACIS Patron Santo Cilauro, this new programme offers Italian Studies researchers training, funding and support for producing and delivering researched podcast episodes aimed at non-academic audiences. 

    This programme will make available a recording studio (physical and virtual) and a technician/expert who will guide the production and post-production of podcasts. 

    Full details on the program and selection process will be released before the end of April 2025. Stay tuned!

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