Trained in anthropology and history at Oxford University, David Moss was Professor of Italian and European Studies at Griffith University, Brisbane, before achieving a rare distinction as a foreigner, the appointment as Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Milan (the only foreign faculty member of a staff of 230). As David writes: ‘I’m an anthropologist and the Italians have been my tribe.’ Even once retired and living in Leicester in the UK, David resumed the position of Chair of ACIS’s Management Committee, promoting established and early career researchers in the field, until stepping down at the end of 2018. Amongst many other publications, David Moss is the author of The Politics of Left-Wing Violence in Italy, 1969-1985 (Palgrave Macmillan, 1989), a ‘Special Issue on Terra Matta’ for the Journal of Modern Italian Studies (2014), and was the editor, together with Gino Moliterno, of
Italy Under the Southern Cross:
An Australasian Celebration of Dino de Poli and the Cassamarca Foundation, which provides the fullest account of the establishment of ACIS to date.