Timothy McCall (Villanova University) will be giving a lecture, ‘ Velvet Goldmine: Silk, Gold, and Renaissance Masculinity ‘ on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 in the North Theatre (room 149), Old Arts Building , at the University of Melbourne (free but registration required here ). The ruling men of Renaissance Italy wrapped themselves in silks and jewels, feathers and pearls. To dazzle the eye, they wore cloth-of-gold and cloth-of-silver, but sometimes the gems were made of paste, intended to deceive observers. All that glittered was not necessarily gold. Building from a study of material extravagance and the symbolic economy of male court fashions, this lecture explores the shining surfaces and things which adorned lords’ bodies and turns a critical eye to material fictions of luxury. Biography:Timothy McCall is Associate Professor of Art History, and director of the Art History Program at Villanova University. Tim’s research centers on Italian Renaissance art and on visual intersections of power and gender (particularly masculinity), in addition to histories of fashion and material culture.
Inquiries: Professor Anne Dunlop, anne.dunlop@unimelb.edu.au