Current developments in Italian politics have been receiving attention from political scientists. Fabio Bordignon
(in the most recent issue of South European Society and Politics)
compares the leadership styles of Renzi and Berlusconi and wonders how far Renzi’s style is compatible with the traditions of the party he leads. He also notes how Renzi likes to present himself as a leader di lotta e di governo
(you’ve heard that phrase before – any volunteers to call the probable new government the product of convergenze parallele
?). On concepts: Marco Valbruzzi ( Journal of Modern Italian Studies
2014, 19, 2) considers whether trasformismo
– ‘that ugly term for an uglier thing’ (Carducci) – is a useful term for analysing Italian politics today. And Sergio Fabbrini ( Modern Italy
, 2013, 18, 4) outlines the political and institutional context for thinking that tomorrow is likely to be more of yesterday.