Accademia degli Spensierati
This week’s TLS (April 5) carries a full two-page ‘Commentary’ by Jane Everson and Lisa Sampson summarising some results from their ongoing AHRC-funded research project on ‘The Italian Academies 1525-1700: The first intellectual networks of early modern Europe’. They examine the hitherto greatly undervalued role of women in the life of these early academies, not simply as the passive object of men’s praise or attention but as active participants in debates and publications. They point out that the extent of the contributions by women varies by creative genre – strong in lyric poetry and in painting but more problematic in the world of drama and the theatre. Involvement of women as patrons – rarely authors – of dramatic productions was quite common, especially in the courts of North Italy. But the ambiguous social status and dubious respectability of performers – actors, singers, musicians – must have caused many early modern mothers to heed Noel Coward’s advice, ’Don’t put your daughter on the stage, Mrs Worthington’. It’s a fascinating survey which can be followed up, with full details of the research, personnel and activities, on the project’s website. (DM)