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La prima volta a teatro…

Luciana d’Arcangeli   • December 6, 2012

Ricordate la prima volta che siete andati a teatro? No, non le recite scolastiche o le volte che vi ci hanno trascinato controvoglia facendovi vestire da pagliaccio o quando vi hanno “ceduto” l’abbonamento perche’ assenti ingiustificati. Sto parlando della prima volta che avete messo mano al portafoglio per pagare il biglietto di uno spettacolo che volevate andare a vedere. La volta che avevate l’acquolina in bocca per l’attesa… Quella! Bene, leggendo l’articolo di Anna Bandettini su Paolo Rossi  mi e’ tornata in mente proprio quella volta li’: “Le visioni di Mortimer” (Giampiero Solari), 1988. Da allora ho sempre rivisto con piacere Paolo Rossi a teatro ed anche in televisione, al cinema ed anche in DVD. Sara’ che ogni volta mi torna a formicolare la pelle con il ricordo o l’emozione di quella sera e di tutte le altre a seguire…

Il primo scoglio che si incontra nell’insegnare teatro oggi e’ che gli studenti spesso pensano di non aver mai assistito a uno spettacolo “degno” di essere discusso in accademia, ma gratta gratta tutti hanno visto uno spettacolo dal vivo e ne sono stati toccati. Proprio al ricordo di quell’emozione mi aggancio per parlare di teatro, del privilegio di cui si gode nel veder recitare qualcuno dal vivo – meglio se bravo. Uno spettacolo dal vivo ha insita un’emozione diversa da altre forme di spettacolo. Mentre scrivo ho davanti agli occhi il bellissimo ricordo di uno Shakespeare in the Park in Scozia  con mio figlio piccolissimo che partecipava all’andamento di “The Tempest” camminando con e tra gli attori, rapito.  E questo ricordo si lega rapido, con un tuffo mnemonico all’indietro,  ad uno spettacolo di pupi siciliani dei Fratelli Pasqualino  di cui non ricordo piu’ il nome… ma i pupi si’, quelli li ricordo bene! Cosi’ come il duello tra Orlando e Rinaldo per l’amore di Angelica – che secondo me doveva aver ben chiaro in testa chi volesse… Il rumore delle loro spadate si confonde nella mente con quello delle mattarellate di Pulcinella, visto la domenica mattina al Pincio con il soldino in mano da dare al burattinaio – seguito da un secondo soldino per il gelato allo Chalet. Infanzia fortunata.

Vi lascio con una delle “chicche” di Paolo Rossi che dimostra come l’altezza di una persona non abbia nulla a che vedere con la sua “statura”: “Il sogno all’incontrario”. Buon sognare!

March 4, 2024
Open until 14 April 2024, the exhibition Emerging From Darkness: Faith, Emotion and The Body in the Baroque is presented at Victoria's Hamilton Gallery (on the unceded lands of the Eastern Maar and Gunditjmara peoples), in partnership with the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). Unprecedented, and monumental in scope, Emerging From Darkness brings together an exceptional group of works from public and private collections in Australia. It was curated by Associate Professor David R. Marshall , Principal Fellow in Art History at the University of Melbourne, Dr Lisa Beaven , Adjunct Senior Research at La Trobe University, and Laurie Benson , Senior Curator of International Art at the NGV. Here two curators explain some of the project’s background and aims.
October 27, 2023
In Italy this year there has been no shortage of Manzoni celebrations, particularly in Milan . And in Australasia? Dr Stefano Bona , Lecturer in Italian Studies at Flinders University, Adelaide, on the lands of the Kauna nation, has lately been involved in creating a ‘special miniseries’ of radio programmes about Alessandro Manzoni. Now available for listening on demand are two longform interviews with Stefano Pratola at Radio Italiana 531 AM. Here Stefano Bona shares some background to this podcast project.
September 14, 2023
Announcing, with great pleasure, the winners of the 2023 ACIS Publication Prize for an established scholar, and the 2023 Jo-Anne Duggan Prize. ACIS awards both prizes every two years . In this case, each winning publication addresses the theme of mobility – a fast-evolving direction in Italian Studies research – and each brings forward a topic with clear contemporary significance.
September 4, 2023
The 12th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies will be held at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, from Wednesday 3 July to Saturday 6 July 2024. The conference theme is ‘Italian Studies for Global Challenges: Transdisciplinary Conversations’.
August 24, 2023
Open to postgraduate and early career researchers, since 2018 the ACIS Save Venice Fellowship programme has been enlivening close links between Australasia and the city of Venice. Fellowship applications were suspended in 2022, for pandemic-related reasons. So it is a special pleasure to announce that Brigette De Poi has been awarded an ACIS Save Venice Fellowship for 2023. Already living in Venice to focus on her PhD project, Brigette shares some first reflections on her contact with Save Venice thus far.
August 8, 2023
Which memories are allowed to circulate in a particular culture – and which are relegated or silenced? What political logic is at play when a certain way of remembering is spelt out, even imposed? Matthew Topp was awarded an ACIS Postgraduate Scholarship in 2020, to source archival records for his doctoral thesis, which has the working title ‘ Ars Oblivionalis : A Study of Cultural Forgetting in Renaissance Italy’. Now returned from fieldwork, he shares a brief account of his PhD project and travels.
By Catherine Kovesi April 2, 2023
Two promising early career scholars – Lauren Murphy and Julia Pelosi-Thorpe – were the recipients of ACIS Save Venice Fellowships. Delayed due to COVID travel restrictions, they were finally able to access their Fellowships in 2022. Here they both reflect on their time in Venice and the benefits of the Fellowship to their respective research projects.
By Catherine Kovesi March 29, 2023
ACIS is delighted to announce that Professor Andrea Rizzi has been appointed the new Chair of the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies. He leads a renewed Management Committee with several new appointees who start their terms of office this year.
By Catherine Kovesi January 30, 2023
After a hiatus of three years due to travel restrictions, ACIS is delighted once again to be able to offer its Postgraduate Scholarships for Research in Italy. Two promising postgraduate students have been awarded scholarships in the current round: Brigette De Poi and Laura Di Blasi.
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