ACIS congratulates Tara Auty (UWA), Catherine Blake (Sydney) and Jessica O’Leary (Monash) on being awarded ACIS Cassamarca scholarships for postgraduate research in Italy in 2016. Tara Auty will be working on ‘ Community Emotions and Genre: Italian Neo-Latin Epic and the Fall of Constantinople ‘; Catherine Blake on ‘ Unstable Ground: Vitale Da Bologna between Form and Modality ‘; and Jessica O’Leary, who was awarded the inaugural Dino De Poli Scholarship, on ‘ Women and Kinship Diplomacy: Negotiation, Gift Exchange, and News in the Familial Network of the Aragonese of Naples ‘. Descriptions of their projects can be found here. The Scholarships Committee noted that the applications were again of a very high standard and regretted that its budget prevented it from making more than three awards.